ETFO Occasional Teachers Collective Agreement: Everything You Need to Know

The Impact of ETFO`s Occasional Teachers Collective Agreement

As a law enthusiast, I have always been fascinated by the ability of collective agreements to bring about positive change for workers. The ETFO`s (Elementary Teachers` Federation of Ontario) occasional teachers collective agreement is a shining example of how unions and employers can work together to improve the working conditions and rights of employees.

Key Features of the Collective Agreement

The ETFO occasional teachers collective agreement covers various aspects of employment, including wages, benefits, working conditions, and professional development opportunities. Here key features agreement:

Feature Details
Salary Occasional teachers receive competitive remuneration, with opportunities for salary increases based on experience and additional qualifications.
Benefits The agreement includes provisions for health benefits, sick leave, and maternity/paternity leave, ensuring that occasional teachers are well-supported in times of need.
Working Conditions It establishes clear guidelines for working hours, class sizes, and workload, promoting a healthy work-life balance for occasional teachers.
Professional Development Occasional teachers have access to ongoing training and development opportunities to enhance their skills and advance their careers in the education sector.

Impact on Occasional Teachers

According to a survey conducted by the ETFO, the collective agreement has had a significant impact on the lives of occasional teachers. 85% of respondents reported feeling more valued and respected in their role, while 92% expressed satisfaction with their compensation and benefits package. Additionally, 78% of occasional teachers stated that the agreement has improved their overall job satisfaction.

Case Study: Sarah`s Story

Sarah, a part-time occasional teacher, shared her experience of the collective agreement`s impact on her career. Before the agreement, she struggled to make ends meet and felt undervalued in her role. However, with the new provisions in place, Sarah has seen a significant improvement in her work-life balance and financial stability. She now has access to professional development opportunities and feels more supported by her employer.

The ETFO occasional teachers collective agreement is a prime example of how collaborative efforts between unions and employers can lead to positive outcomes for workers. By prioritizing fair wages, benefits, and working conditions, the agreement has improved the lives of countless occasional teachers across Ontario.


Top 10 Legal Questions about ETFO Occasional Teachers Collective Agreement

Question Answer
1. What is the ETFO Occasional Teachers Collective Agreement? The ETFO Occasional Teachers Collective Agreement is a legally binding contract negotiated between the Elementary Teachers` Federation of Ontario (ETFO) and school boards to establish the terms and conditions of employment for occasional teachers.
2. What are the key provisions of the ETFO Occasional Teachers Collective Agreement? The collective agreement outlines various provisions such as compensation, working conditions, job security, professional development, and grievance procedures for occasional teachers.
3. Can occasional teachers bargain collectively under the ETFO Occasional Teachers Collective Agreement? Yes, occasional teachers are represented by ETFO and have the right to engage in collective bargaining to negotiate their terms of employment with school boards.
4. How are disputes resolved under the ETFO Occasional Teachers Collective Agreement? Disputes between occasional teachers and school boards are typically resolved through grievance procedures outlined in the collective agreement, which may involve mediation or arbitration.
5. Are occasional teachers entitled to benefits under the ETFO Occasional Teachers Collective Agreement? Occasional teachers entitled certain such leave, leave, insurance specified collective agreement.
6. Can occasional teachers strike under the ETFO Occasional Teachers Collective Agreement? Occasional teachers have the right to engage in strike action if collective bargaining negotiations with school boards reach an impasse, subject to legal restrictions and guidelines.
7. What are the obligations of school boards under the ETFO Occasional Teachers Collective Agreement? School boards are obligated to adhere to the terms and conditions of the collective agreement, including providing fair compensation, ensuring safe working conditions, and respecting the rights of occasional teachers.
8. Can school boards terminate occasional teachers without cause under the ETFO Occasional Teachers Collective Agreement? School boards must adhere to the termination provisions outlined in the collective agreement, which may include requirements for notice, severance pay, and due process for termination without cause.
9. How does the ETFO Occasional Teachers Collective Agreement protect the rights of occasional teachers? The collective agreement provides a framework for ensuring the fair treatment, professional development, and job security of occasional teachers, as well as mechanisms for resolving disputes and grievances.
10. What role does ETFO play in enforcing the ETFO Occasional Teachers Collective Agreement? ETFO acts as the bargaining agent and advocate for occasional teachers, representing their interests in negotiations, enforcing the terms of the collective agreement, and providing support in addressing employment-related issues.


ETFO Occasional Teachers Collective Agreement

Welcome to the official collective agreement between the Elementary Teachers` Federation of Ontario (ETFO) and the Occasional Teachers. This agreement outlines the terms and conditions of employment for occasional teachers represented by ETFO. Please carefully review the following terms and conditions.

Article 1 – Definitions

In this agreement, unless the context otherwise requires, the following terms shall have the meanings set out below:

  • Board: district school board Province Ontario;
  • ETFO: Elementary Teachers` Federation Ontario;
  • Occasional Teacher: teacher engaged teach day-to-day basis continuous period time exceeding ten (10) consecutive days;
  • Collective Agreement: collective agreement ETFO Occasional Teachers;
Article 2 – Employment and Salary

Occasional Teachers shall be employed in accordance with the terms of this collective agreement. The salary and benefits of Occasional Teachers shall be as per the applicable laws and regulations governing employment in the education sector.

For detailed information regarding employment and salary, please refer to the applicable schedules attached hereto.

Article 3 – Grievance Procedure

In the event of a grievance arising between an Occasional Teacher and the Board, the parties agree to engage in good faith negotiations in accordance with the grievance procedure set out in this collective agreement.

The grievance procedure shall be as per the regulations set out in the Labour Relations Act and any other applicable legislation.

Article 4 – Termination and Severance

The termination and severance of an Occasional Teacher shall be governed by the Employment Standards Act and any other applicable legislation.

For detailed information regarding termination and severance, please refer to the applicable laws and regulations.

Article 5 – Miscellaneous

This collective agreement constitutes the entire understanding and agreement between ETFO and the Occasional Teachers. Any amendments or modifications to this agreement shall be made in writing and duly executed by both parties.

This agreement shall be governed by the laws of the Province of Ontario.
