Apakah Alkohol Legal di Indonesia: Hukum dan Regulasi Terkini

Alcohol Legal Indonesia?

Talking law alcohol Indonesia, can`t deny interesting topic. As law lover, always interested delve regulations related alcohol country.

Regulations Alcohol Indonesia

According Law Number 18 Year 2012 about Food, in Article 10 Paragraph (1) mentioned alcoholic beverages only sold to adults. Meanwhile, Article 11 Paragraph (1) states prohibition selling alcoholic beverages to minors.

Statistics Alcohol Consumption Indonesia

According data from Central Statistics Agency (BPS), alcohol consumption Indonesia tends increase year year. Year 2019, average alcohol consumption per capita reached 0,4 liters per year.

Case Study

Case Result
Case 1 Fine store owner selling minors
Case 2 Closure business selling illegal alcohol
Personal Reflection

Believe regulations alcohol Indonesia good purpose, protecting society negative impact excessive alcohol consumption. However, also see difficult control illegal alcohol circulation Indonesia.


Is Alcohol Legal in Indonesia? Top 10 Legal Questions Answered

Question Answer
1. Alcohol consumption Indonesia permitted? While alcohol consumption is permitted for non-Muslims in Indonesia, there are certain restrictions and regulations in place.
2. Law alcohol Indonesia? Law alcohol Indonesia based government regulations governing production, distribution, consumption alcohol.
3. Age limit buy alcohol Indonesia? Yes, must age 21 years buy alcohol Indonesia.
4. Allowed bring alcohol abroad Indonesia? Special permission required bring alcohol abroad Indonesia, limited amount.
5. Indonesian citizens own alcohol company Indonesia? Non-Muslim Indonesian citizens can own alcohol company, must comply regulations requirements apply.
6. Alcohol consumption public places permitted Indonesia? There ban alcohol consumption public places certain regions Indonesia, allowed specific places special permission.
7. Differences alcohol law regions Indonesia? Yes, some regions apply different rules related alcohol consumption sale.
8. Religious law related alcohol consumption Indonesia? Islam prohibits alcohol consumption, religious law may affect alcohol regulations Indonesia.
9. Penalties violations alcohol regulations Indonesia? Yes, violations alcohol regulations Indonesia result fines even imprisonment.
10. Regulations alcohol advertising Indonesia? There strict regulations alcohol advertising Indonesia, advertising must comply specific provisions.


Legal Contract: Alkohol di Indonesia

Alcohol sensitive topic Indonesia and some legal regulations must complied use. In contract, will regulate legality alcohol Indonesia.

Legal Agreement

Agreement made on date [Date agreement] between parties signing below:

1. Party First: [Name Party First]

2. Party Second: [Name Party Second]

Hereinafter party first party second referred “Parties”.

Article 1: Definition

Alcohol Indonesia refers chemical compound ethanol in hard drinks, alcoholic beverages, all products containing alcohol.

Article 2: Legality Alcohol

Based Law Republic Indonesia No. 11 Year 2020 about Job Creation, use, sale, production alcohol Indonesia subject applicable law.

Article 3: Law Enforcement

Parties obliged comply regulations related alcohol Indonesia. Any violations regulations will followed accordance law applicable Indonesia.

Article 4: Cancellation Agreement

Agreement cancelled violations committed one party accordance law applicable Indonesia.

Article 5: Applicable Law

Agreement subject law State Republic Indonesia.

Thus agreement made signed by Parties on date place mentioned above two copies, each containing same provisions having same legal force.

[Place date agreement]

Party First Party Second

[Signature Party First] [Signature Party Second]
